A popular New Forest steam show has handed out over £30,000 to local charities and good causes.
A fledgling New Milton youth charity whose myriad of achievements have included helping isolated teens, was awarded a £13,000 town council boost.
Tireless charity worker Tracy Robertson has been named Lymington’s Citizen of the Year.
It was a “bittersweet” moment for Mudeford RNLI rescuers as their lifeboat of nearly two decades was replaced.
A cyclist has undertaken an epic bike ride from Rome to Sicily to raise money for a breast cancer charity.
A beloved toy monkey was given a new lease of life thanks to Ringwood Repair Cafe.
Lymington sculptor Michael Turner raised almost £6,000 for the Royal British Legion after organising a community treasure hunt and auction.
A charity supporting young carers in the New Forest is urging people to give what they can to its Christmas appeal.
A New Forest-based charity supporting over 300 people with learning disabilities has launched its latest appeal to help them unlock their potential.
Lymington was awash with Christmas cheers as more than a thousand festive fundraisers stepped up for the town’s annual Santa Dash.
The countdown to Christmas was officially launched when a Barton street was illuminated with tens of thousands of sparkling lights and festive scenes.
A family has raised more than £11,500 for a children’s cancer charity as their five-year-old continues treatment for leukaemia.
Ace golfers in Brockenhurst chipped in to raise thousands of pounds in support of a fundraiser for Lymington Hospital.
Young sailors helped raised £11,000 for Children in Need through a 24-hour sailathon.