Cala Homes starts building nearly 200 new homes at Knightwood Chase site in Fordingbridge
CONSTRUCTION has started on a development of nearly 200 homes in Fordingbridge.
Developer Cala Homes’ 17-hectare Knightwood Chase site will see 198 new homes of between one and four bedrooms, with 42 of them designated ‘affordable’.
Each property will include environmentally friendly features such as solar panels and electric vehicle charging points.
The development will also bring 9.8 hectares of new public open space including play areas, new pedestrian and cycle routes and over six hectares of recreational greenspace.
Cala said it will be introducing wildlife measures such as bird nesting features, hedgehog highways, invertebrate bricks, bat boxes and native tree planting.
As reported in the A&T, NFDC approved the scheme in November last year after it drew a “significant” number of objections, with 159 letters from residents.
Concerns were raised over a loss of green space, insufficient affordable housing, the impact of noise, dust and construction traffic during building, the additional flood risk and impact on local biodiversity.
Fordingbridge Parish Council also objected on the grounds the scheme would put further pressure on services such as doctors’ surgeries and dentists, the impact of construction traffic on the area, and the loss of privacy and light for nearby residents.
Approval was recommended on the grounds of “substantial public benefits” including “much-needed” open market and affordable housing.
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