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Letter: Why shouldn’t New Forest letter writer claim benefits?

It was very sad to hear that Mrs Scott and her husband feel they will suffer great hardship this winter when their winter fuel allowance is withdrawn (A&T Letters, 9th August).

She states that she and her husband don’t claim benefits - but perhaps they should. Pension credit gives extra money to help with living costs if you’re over state pension age and on a low income, but sadly only two in every three households who are eligible ever claim it. Pension credit is a gateway to a host of other benefits.

Perhaps the time is right for correspondent to apply for benefits
Perhaps the time is right for correspondent to apply for benefits

Those who claim it not only get their weekly pension topped up, but also will receive the full winter fuel allowance, a free TV licence if over 75, help with mortgage interest/housing benefit if applicable, help with NHS appointments and transport costs for hospital visits. More benefits are available if you are a carer or suffer a disability. Contact the pensions service for more information. No one should feel they are “too proud” to hold back.

Many pensioners who currently receive the winter fuel allowance do not need it. It is unjust that a universal benefit should go to those who are on record as saying they spend it on cashmere sweaters or fine wine (although some donate it to charity).

Yes, some of our generation have ended up poorer than others. Life has never been fair. But let’s be grateful we have lived through a generous lifetime of peace and prosperity, free NHS and university education, full employment, affordable and more readily available social and private housing, rising property values and (for some) gold plated index linked pensions that will never be seen again.

Caroline Hill

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