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Letter: PM dishing out damaging, over-the-top rises

So our esteemed PM thinks that by giving over-the-top pay rises to train drivers and junior doctors, all our striking woes will suddenly disappear...poof! Just like that.

It is no wonder that we are in the mess we are in, and yes, I am aware that the Tory party is to blame as well. The collective level of intelligence of our masters has now been well and truly exposed.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has announced pay rises for public sector workers
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has announced pay rises for public sector workers

All the PM has done is light the blue touch paper for other public sector unions to jump on the bandwagon, and of course we now have our local council involved (‘Bin collection strike threat’ A&T 13th Sep). More public sector unrest to come? Where will it end?

Yes, we all want better pay and conditions etc, that is the purpose of having unions to fight for them. However, when our ship is low in the water and being battered by many external forces (energy, allowances, pensions, etc, spring to mind) one does not drill more holes in the hull to make the ship sink further and possibly disappear forever.

Unions however, choose not to recognise this and blunder on regardless, many spurred on by their own political agenda. They care little that the long-term damage it can cause will far outweigh any short term gain. I just hope that the members of this particular union can see the wood for the trees and have the will and intelligence that any pay rise is within our affordability at this time.

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