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Letter: Eco objectors caused firm to abandon New Forest pipe plan

Ecological objections almost-certainly influenced Exxon-Mobil’s decision to abandon its carbon-capture and storage (CCS) pipeline; as if CCS won’t necessitate pipelines in other picturesque landscapes.

Does Mr Padfield (A&T Letters 4th October recall the fuss in the 1980s about the pipeline from Wytch Farm to the oil terminal at Hamble? Protesters argued that the pipeline would irreparably damage the New Forest’s ecology; the alternative option being road and rail traffic.

Can anyone now find that pipeline’s route?

Fawley operator Exxon has abandoned carbon pipeline plans (istock/izvir8)
Fawley operator Exxon has abandoned carbon pipeline plans (istock/izvir8)

The correspondents arguing that chalk, gravel and clay lack the necessary ambient stability should consider that Britain’s railways have many cuttings and embankments in and of chalk, gravel and clay. These immense 19th century earthworks were such feats of construction that British civil engineers were appointed to build French railways. UK’s natural-gas pipelines were more-easily constructed; mostly in chalk, gravel and clay.

Concern about pipes fracturing is a red herring. Establishing the suitability of materials and methods is part of any specification. There is, meanwhile, a theory to the effect that leaking CO2 could asphyxiate anyone in its vicinity. If so, are bartenders at any risk by serving fizzy drinks?

H Fletcher

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