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Mudeford RNLI rescuers called to vessels off Hengistbury Head twice within hours

MUDEFORD RNLI rescuers responded to two call-outs to vessels off Hengistbury Head within hours this morning (Thursday).

The alarm was first raised just after 1am, with reports a 24ft yacht had mechanical difficulties.

Launched within 10 minutes, the Mudeford Servant Atlantic 85 lifeboat reached the craft at 1.25am, a quarter-of-a-mile off the shore.

The lifeboat and crew returning to station in the early hours (picture: Mudeford RNLI/Robert King)
The lifeboat and crew returning to station in the early hours (picture: Mudeford RNLI/Robert King)

The crew confirmed the sole occupant was safe and well, but the stranded yacht had engine failure.

It was towed to Mudeford Quay, where it was moored for the night.

Volunteer launch authority Graeme Staddon said: “We are always ready to respond to anyone in difficulty on the water day and night.

“The casualty’s timely decision to raise the alarm was the right one, and as a result we were able to reach him quickly and bring him to safety.”

Later this morning, there was a call to investigate reports of an inflatable tender adrift.

The crew of the nearby ‘Grinna’ cargo ship had spotted it and alerted HM Coastguard.

The lifeboat launched just before 11.30am, arriving on scene within 15 minutes.

Helped by the National Coastwatch Institution (NCI), its crew soon located the tender.

Despite initial concerns, they confirmed there was no one in the water or in need of assistance, and it was recovered.

Volunteer helm Liam Sexton said: “Although on this occasion no one was in need of help, we were happy to respond.”

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