Crowds watch as crews compete at 34th RNLI Great Waterside Raft Race
COMPETITORS made waves over the weekend as hundreds of people gathered to watch the 34th RNLI Great Waterside Raft Race.
Crowds thronged Hythe's Prospect Place and pier to watch nine rafts with more than 40 crew members compete for trophies and medals.
The event has so far raised almost £5,000, even before sponsorships are added from the teams.
Hardley Fire Station crew claimed the best decorated raft competition while the Formula One race was won by Ebenezer's pub team, which also won the ladies' race and the pub race.
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A new event for this year, the kayak race, saw Darren and Sarah Ashmore romp home in first place.
The handicap race was won by Hythe Marina Association's team, which also won the best presented trophy.
Chemical manufacturer ChampionX's team came second in the best presented contest but won the most ingenious raft trophy.
Ebenezer's pub came third in the best presented contest but, having earned the most trophies throughout the day, also won the Parnel Cup for best overall effort.
RNLI spokesperson Dan Poole said: "A pleasant late summer’s day brought spectators out in their numbers for the raft race on Sunday, and the whole side of the marina was filled with spectators.
“There was yet another superb effort from competitors and helpers alike, and we were absolutely delighted with the turnout.
"There was a great atmosphere and I think people were just glad to get out again and enjoy themselves.
"Each year, our small team of volunteers work tirelessly to ensure the event goes to plan, so I am pleased it has paid off."
He added: "An added draw this year was the addition of the fantastic Hythe and Waterside Poppy Ladies’ yarn bomb on Prospect Place in aid of RNLI Calshot’s 50th anniversary, which has raised well over £3,000. Many thanks go to them.”
Also at the raft race was a fairground, barbecue, refreshments and souvenirs. The race's main sponsor, TMT Legal Services, also had a stall.