Watch out, the pigs are about! New Forest pannage season begins
PIGS are roaming free in the New Forest as the annual pannage season officially got underway yesterday (Monday), with bumper acorn crops predicted.
Every autumn around 600 domestic pigs and piglets, owned by commoners, are allowed out to roam the national park to eat the nuts, as well as chestnuts and beechmast, which are poisonous to the grazing animals.
A popular sight with visitors, the pigs and especially breeding sows with young piglets, are regularly photographed during the autumn months.
However, the public are urged to maintain a safe distance and keep dogs on a short lead when pigs are near by.
Property owners are also warned it is their responsibility to ensure land is properly fenced to stop animals getting in.
A variety of breeds are likely to be turned out this year including including Tamworth, Gloucestershire old spot, and the British and Wessex saddlebacks.
Animals are frequently spotted in Bramshaw, Burley and Bolderwood, but can roam many miles from their homes.
Forestry England’s Deputy Surveyor of the New Forest, Craig Harrison, said: “As a nation of animal lovers I understand that some people want to get up close to pigs and other forest animals, but it’s important to admire from a safe distance and not to feed or pet them.
"The pigs are doing an important job of eating acorns that fall here at this time of year – green acorns are tasty for them, but poisonous for the ponies and cattle that roam freely.
"Even though the piglets may look cute, their mothers won’t be happy if you get too close and under no circumstances should people try to give them any food."
A warm summer means this year oak trees are expected to produce a bumper crop of acorns, so the pigs will have plenty to feast on.
Pannage has been a tradition since the time of William the Conqueror, and usually runs for around 60 days.
The start of the season varies according to the weather and when the acorns fall, with exact dates set by Forestry England and the verderers.
This year it will end on Friday 18th November.
Commoners pay a fee for each pig, which must be marked with an ear-tag and have a ring put through its nose to limit ground damage by rooting.
Breeding sows are sometimes allowed to stay on the open Forest after the end of pannage if the Deputy Surveyor agrees.