Outline planning application for 200 homes on Lynwood Farm site off Rollestone Road between Blackfield and Holbury
DETAILED plans for up to 200 new homes on farmland between Blackfield and Holbury have been revealed.
An application to develop a site south of Rollestone Road in Holbury has been submitted by Wates Developments as a two-part hybrid scheme. The first is an outline application for the demolition of two bungalows and existing farm buildings, the construction of up to 200 homes which includes 70 affordable homes and the creation of a new vehicle access route onto Rollestone Road
The second is a full detailed application setting out how public amenities such as orchards, allotments and play areas will be created alongside a provision for an Area of Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG) and the creation of a new pedestrian access onto Rollestone Road.
A design and access statement accompanying the application states: “The design of the scheme has been led by the landscape infrastructure with a residential masterplan that integrates landscape, amenity and quality, human-scale place making at the core of its proposals”
As reported by the A&T, the site, known as Lynwood Farm, was run by brothers John and George Orman, and once boasted a large collection of vintage farm machinery including many tractors and engines. However, neither of the brothers married and, following their deaths, the huge collection was auctioned in 2018.
Under current plans all existing buildings would be demolished to make way for up to 200 new homes. The project will also involve new access roads and around 18.5 hectares of green open space to be used by residents and the wider community. There would also be 477 car parking spaces within the site.
The new dwellings would be arranged around a new central road, with access via a primary access road and pedestrian link onto Rollestone Road via the site of the existing farm building and bungalow.
Other proposals include community allotments and orchards, wildflower meadows, cycle routes, a pond dipping area, new landscaping planting including green corridors and a new native woodland. Electric vehicle charging points would also form part of the scheme.
Although not within it, the site is adjacent to the New Forest National Park and therefore additional environmental assessments were need to access the impact. Public consultations have also taken place with communities in Fawley, Blackfield and Holbury. A report revealed that 48 members of the public had responded and, of these, 33 had raised concerns, eight were neutral and seven were supportive.
The design and access statement continues: “The design of the scheme has been led by the landscape infrastructure with a residential masterplan that integrates landscape, amenity and quality, human-scale place making at the core of its proposals.
“Alongside this, the landscape proposals will enhance the surrounding environment, protecting habitats and providing biodiversity uplifts with the aim of protecting nature for future generations.”
The public have until Thursday 20th February to comment on the application via New Forest District Council’s website.