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Letters: Trapped by Brexit in The League of Gentlemen

SIR - Coming to live in the New Forest I was warned by metropolitan elitist friends that I would not be living in mainstream UK.

I thought I had adjusted. However, after reading the accounts in the A&T of Cllr Duke’s Brexit knees up and her Straight Pride posting I more feel trapped in an episode of The League of Gentlemen.

Brexiteers can play the theme to Dad’s Army without any irony?

I wonder, is the good councillor planning another bash to mark the moment, when after Johnson’s inevitable ‘Australia’ crash-out deal history might repeat itself, as isolated and vulnerable we will be again rescued from peril by the USA (at a price)?

It could be a stars and stripes event as hopefully by that time her beloved Union Flag will be obsolete.

Rod England, Barton

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