Latest BCP Council planning applications and decisions for Christchurch
The following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending Friday 27th December 2024.
Retrospectively add a new rooflight and timber screen, Flat 3, 3 Church Street.
Alterations, extensions and a contemporary remodel of the existing dwelling, widening of existing western vehicle access and closing up of the existing eastern vehicle access with associated landscaping, 14 Avon Run Road, Mudeford.
Two-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension and extended drop kerb, 28 Bure Homage Gardens, Mudeford.
To move a section of our fence further out closer to the edge of our property boundary, 25 Juniper Drive, Mudeford.
The application seeks confirmation that planning permission 8/17/3574/FUL was lawfully implemented and remains extant, 99 Barrack Road.