Latest BCP Council planning applications and decisions for Christchurch
The following applications for planning permission in Christchurch were submitted to BCP Council during the week ending Friday 8th November 2024.
Demolish existing garage to rear of dwelling, extending to infill the kitchen, meeting living room extension with the addition of rooflights, enclosing the porch at primary elevation and extending the roofline to porch, 25 Somerford Way, Burton.
Retrospective consent for outbuilding for use in part associated with short term holiday lets and partly for family use as spare bedroom accommodation, 6 Stroud Gardens, Burton.
New hall, office and meeting room building in accordance with consent 8/17/3574/FUL, 99 Barrack Road.
Proposed development comprising a biomethane refuelling depot for waste vehicles utilising the biomethane produced by the anaerobic digestion process at the existing recycling and recovery site at Eco Sustainable Solutions Ltd, Land East of Chapel Lane, Parley, Hurn.
Prior approval procedure, demolition of buildings on plot 601, Plot 601, Bournemouth International Airport, Hurn.
Replacement of ground floor rear porch and conservatory with two-storey rear extension, reconfigure roof from pyramid hip roof to a gable. Addition of two dormers, first floor balcony to rear elevation, erection of external glazed hallway to connect main house with existing outbuilding, alteration to fenestration, 40 River Way.
Demolish existing buildings and erect terrace of five houses, two detached houses and two bungalows (nine in total), with parking, 46 Ringwood Road, Highcliffe.
Single-storey rear extension after demolition of existing conservatory, 32 Thursby Road, Highcliffe.
Single-storey rear extension, 7 Vecta Close, Mudeford.
To move a section of our fence further out closer to the edge of our property boundary, 25 Juniper Drive, Mudeford.
Single-storey rear and side extension, demolish existing garage and conservatory, 19 Charlotte Close, Mudeford.
Removal of existing conservatory and replace with balcony, 7 Vecta Close, Mudeford.
Two-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension and extended drop kerb, 28 Bure Homage Gardens, Mudeford.
Proposal to convert the existing use class C3 residential flat back to a commercial office use class E, to include new vehicle access to the front of the site and additional one parking space, 4 Stour Road.
Hip to gable front and rear of dwelling, dormer windows, rear extension, extension to front of garage, 31 Minterne Road, Mudeford.
Ground floor extensions to side and rear, first floor dormer side extension, extension to garden outbuilding, 42 East Cliff Way, Mudeford.
Front, side and rear single-storey extensions, replace rear boundary wall and extend side boundary wall to enclose garden, internal alterations, 1 Snowdrop Gardens, Mudeford.
Demolition of existing four-bedroom bungalow and self-build construction of new chalet style bungalow with four-bedroom with green living wall feature panels to front elevation, to include parking and garage / cycle store area, replace existing shingle drive with paving, 2 Fulmar Road, Mudeford.