Latest New Forest District Council planning applications and decisions
THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 29th November 2024:
Demolition and rebuilding of (partially fallen down) boundary wall situated at the front of the school, Breamore Church of England and Primary School, The Marsh, Hampshire County Council.
Replacement windows (application for listed building consent), Willow Cottage, High Street, Mrs Musker.
70-bed care home (use class C2), eight dwellings (use class C3), public open space, provision of an extended residential curtilage for ‘Fairmile’, new access to Whitsbury Road, closure of the existing access to Whitsbury Road, parking, landscaping, sustainable drainage, and other associated works, SS17 Land east of Whitsbury Road, Tinkers Cross, Highwood Ventures 19 Limited.
Two dormer windows to replace two existing rooflights, 35 Jubilee Road, Mr and Mrs Johnson.
Replacement of existing garage and store, 93 Everton Road, Mr Doerr.
Hythe and Dibden
Rear and front extensions, roof alterations to accommodate extended first floor, flue, fenestration alterations, raised patio, 4 Longmeadow Gardens, Mr and Mrs Blake.
Lymington and Pennington
Proposed carport, 54 Church Lane, Mr Willford.
New access onto Northover Road with removal of fence panels and placement of shingle to facilitate new driveway (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Penn Cottage, 103 Ramley Road, Pennington, Mr Mabey.
Single-storey side extension, detached garage, external alterations, 1 Woodside Close, Mr Mountain.
Raising of ridge to allow creation of first floor within roof space, front dormers and first floor rear extension with ground floor rear extension, 6 Bitterne Way, Mr Savin.
Removal of two eight-metre lattice towers and the installation of three 15-metre lattice towers fitted with CCTV cameras, Marchwood Industrial Park, ABP.
Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 17/11019 (extend the life of the site), Marchwood Waste Transfer Station, Bury Road, Veolia ES Hampshire Ltd.
Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 15/10294 (extend the life of the site), Marchwood Transfer Station, Bury Road, Veolia ES Hampshire Ltd.
Rear extension and replacement conservatory, 9 Windmill Close, Mr Brown.
New Milton
Vehicular access and hardstanding for parking area, 30 Marryat Road, New Forest District Council.
Two dormer windows to replace two existing rooflights, 35 Jubilee Road, Mr and Mrs Johnson.
Totton and Eling
Outbuilding, 21 Main Road, Angell Developments Ltd.
Demolish the existing briefing room, extend the ground floor adjacent to the existing training room with a terrace above, New Forest Water Park, Ringwood Road, New Forest Water Park Ltd.
Change of use of garage building from ancillary residential to a short term holiday let (retrospective), The Forge, Christchurch Road, Downton, Mr Paglia.
Hythe and Dibden
Single-storey rear extension, 11 Home Farm Close, Mr and Mrs Connolly.
New window at second floor level, roof alterations to provide additional rooflights, 9 Velsheda Court, Hythe Marina Village, Mr and Mrs Payne.
Lymington and Pennington
Ground floor extensions, bedroom balconies over, Court Lodge Nursing Home, Court Close, Colten Care.
Demolition of existing single-storey extension and replace with single-storey rear extension, 33 Middle Road, Slater.
Extending existing upper terrace and decking the area including a frameless glass balustrade, 4 Needles Point, Mrs Fletcher.
Garage conversion, front porch and rear single-storey extension, 2 Beauchamps Place, Ravens Way, Mr and Mrs Austin.
Roof extension including raising the ridge, front and rear gables and side dormer to facilitate creation of first floor, single-storey extension to form porch, 18 Highfield Avenue, Ms Woodrow.
Retention of single-storey side extension but with proposed new external brickwork, new section of slate roof and rolled lead to flat section of roof, removal of existing porch and replacement front porch removal of rear porch, (part retrospective), 9 and 10 Priest Lane, Mr and Mrs Evans.
Retention of single-storey side extension but with proposed new external brickwork, new section of slate roof and rolled lead to flat section of roof, removal of existing porch and replacement front porch removal of rear porch, renewing brickwork to blocked up front door (part retrospective), 9 and 10 Priest Lane, Mr and Mrs Evans.
Totton and Eling
Rear extension, 28 Frampton Way, Mr Chandler.
Siting of a pitched roof on the existing dwelling with solar panels, single-storey rear and side extension with a pitched roof, 18 Lackford Avenue, Mr and Mrs Prior.
Rear extension, roof alterations to accommodate extended first floor, extended chimney, removal of conservatory, fenestration alterations, 8 Warwick Road, Mr and Mrs Cook.
Erection of a machinery shed for storing garden machinery (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Arnewood, Broadmead, Mr and Mrs Gozney.
The erection of a detached gym building (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Arnewood, Broadmead, Mr and Mrs Gozney.
New agricultural building (barn) for a machinery store (prior approval application), Mists Farm, Rockbourne Road, Sandleheath, Mists Farm.
Totton and Eling
Single-storey rear extension across the entire width of the existing bungalow (prior approval application), 7 Oakmount Avenue, Mr Shaw.
Demolition of existing garage outbuilding and erection of one new dwelling with air source heat pump and bike store, Longcliffe, Victoria Road, Russell Matthews Ltd.
New Milton
Bungalow with new access via Cutlers Close (outline application with all matters reserved), Land to the rear of 4 Belmont Road, Ashley, M. Bennett Development.
One dwelling attached to existing dwelling, access and parking, 1 Duncan Road, Ashley, Mr Rees.
Change of use to open storage use (retrospective), Moortown Farm, Hampshire Hatches Lane, Moortown, Moortown Farms Ltd.
Totton and Eling
New dwelling, demolition of existing garage, 159 Ringwood Road, Mr McDonagh.