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Latest New Forest District Council planning applications and decisions


THE following applications for planning permission were submitted to New Forest District Council during the week ending Friday 1st November 2024:


Proposed single-storey extension, Lyndale, Whinwhistle Road, East Wellow, Mr and Mrs Knowlton.


Conversion of existing garage to an annexe for ancillary use, associated external alterations (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), Colliton, The Drove, Blackfield, Mr Cooper.


Rear and side single-storey extension, addition of dormers and rooflights to facilitate creation of first floor, 155 Everton Road, Clark.

Lymington and Pennington

Side and rear extension, The Cottage By The Green, Fox Pond Lane, Pennington, Mr Mapes.

Single-storey rear extension with skylight, 52 Gordon Road, Pennington, Mr Lines.

The erection of two B2 / B8 / E(G) employment buildings, plus associated car parking / service areas, landscaping, access roads and access on to Hannah Way, Plot 2, Land south of Gordleton Industrial Park, Hannah Way, Pennington, Temple Bar Developments.

New entrance gates and fence, 149 Southampton Road, Mr Flowers.

Detached garage, 29A Ramley Road, Pennington, Mr Tizard.


Single-storey rear extension, Downs Cottage, Martin Drove End, Mr and Mrs Baker.


Timber eco lodge with solar panels, parking, access and ancillary works, cycle and bin stores, Land adjacent Fulwood, Park Lane, Solent Projects New Homes Ltd.

Garage conversion, front porch and rear single-storey extension, 2 Beauchamps Place, Ravens Way, Mr and Mrs Austin.


Change of use from office (use class E) to three dwelling houses (use class C3) (prior approval application), 72-74 Southampton Road, Martch and Rowden Construction Limited.


Extension to connect existing house and garage, additional one and two-storey extension to both buildings, Southwinds, North Ripley Road, Ripley, Mr Vincent.

Totton and Eling

Two-storey flat roofed rear extension and tiled side extension, 67 Rushington Lane, Mr Macleod.



Hythe and Dibden

Replacement of existing rotten rooflight with new larger rooflight, 18 Velsheda Court, Hythe Marina Village, Mr Silcock.

Lymington and Pennington

Replacement dwelling, 48 Belmore Lane, Mr Morris.

Front gables in association with extended first floor, roof alterations, rear extension, front porch, fenestration alterations, attached garage, 5 Daniells Close, Mr Kilgour.

Re-roofing of existing single-storey front extension, associated external alterations, including the installation of roof lanterns, 47 Wainsford Road, Pennington, Mr and Mrs Garnham.


Proposed ground floor extension / rebuild, new roof and first floor replacing existing rooms in roof, 21 George Road, Mr and Mrs Nineham.

New Milton

Single-storey rear and side extension to include roof mounted solar panels, 9 Fir Avenue, Mr and Mrs Essalmi.


Conversion of existing garage and building of extension (revised scheme), 47 Lin Brook Drive, Ms Martingale.


Demolition of existing barn consented for conversion to three dwellings, replacement new barn to provide terrace of three dwellings with parking, Springbourne Farm, Roddys Retreat Ltd.

Totton and Eling

Front extension, 64 Rushington Lane, Mrs White.



Demolition of existing conservatory, new extension (lawful development certificate that permission is not required for proposal), 7 May Crescent, Holbury, Ms Payne.



Use of former art block for residential accommodation that is ancillary to Sandle Manor Mews (use class C3) (lawful use certificate for retaining an existing use or operation), The Art Block, Sandals Manor Drive, Mr and Mrs Dunford.


Hythe and Dibden

Single-storey front and rear extensions, two-storey side extension and cycle store, 15 Ladycross Road, Mr and Mrs Szalas.

Totton and Eling

Change of use of ground floor rear and replacement single-storey rear extension to create dwelling house (one studio), first floor side / rear extension and change of use of first floor to dwelling houses (two studios), retention of class E commercial unit, shopfront alterations, 53 Commercial Road, Mr Kasba.

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