Former colleagues of Fawley oil refinery fundraise for lift after his severe stroke
A FORMER worker at Fawley oil refinery who suffered a severe stroke has been helped by ex-colleagues who raised money for a lift to be installed in his home.
His old employers at the ExxonMobil plant have also donated £3,000 to the charity which has been helping Paul White (53) recover from a stroke last December.
Electrical engineering supervisor John Thompson set up a webpage which raised £3,600 for Paul who worked at the plant for 15 years.
John said: “When Paul’s wife Gail contacted me to tell me about his stroke the day after it happened, things didn’t look good.
“But he thankfully pulled through and is now looking to the future with his usual good wit and humour.
“After his stroke, lots of colleagues were asking what they could do to help and, with all the work that was being done to his house, I thought a lift would be a real necessity.
“Hopefully he will continue to improve and his great wit will definitely help see him through.”
Paul, an electrical engineer, is being helped in his recovery by the charity Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury (ARNI).
He said: “I am lucky to be here and there were times my family thought I wasn’t going to make it.
“It has been difficult for everyone, but thanks to the medical staff, my family and friends and ARNI, I’m beginning to get my life back.
“After the stroke I had to have an operation to relieve pressure on my brain which involved taking out part of my skull, and I spent three months in a rehabilitation facility afterwards.
“It has affected mobility on the left side of my body, but I am still here.”
Dr Tom Balchin, ARNI director, said: “This extremely kind donation will help us support survivors and families in the same kind of way as Paul, because we rely completely on donations. “