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Urgent Treatment Centre at Lymington hospital rated ‘outstanding’ by Care Quality Commission

STAFF at Lymington’s Urgent Treatment Centre have been lauded as providing “exceptional care” in a report rating its service as ‘outstanding’.

Led by GPs, the facility at Lymington New Forest Hospital assesses and treats people with non-emergency injuries or symptoms.

Ross Brand, PHL CEO, and Mandy Hawkins PHL Group UTC service manager at Lymington Urgent Treatment Centre
Ross Brand, PHL CEO, and Mandy Hawkins PHL Group UTC service manager at Lymington Urgent Treatment Centre

In his report, Neil Cox, Care Quality Commission deputy director of the south said: “Staff at Lymington Urgent Treatment Centre provided exceptional care and treatment which prioritised people’s safety, and people could access care in ways that met their personal circumstances and also protected equality characteristics.

“The service was effectively providing an efficient care journey for people thanks to their joined-up working. For example, people who attended the service with suspected pelvic and hip fractures were able to be diagnosed by X-ray at Lymington New Forest Hospital, reducing the time and travel required to attend the nearest emergency department.

“The service had also initiated two-week wait referrals for investigations for suspected cancer, including processes to ensure primary care providers received and reviewed the referrals. This meant people with suspected cancer may access appropriate care faster.”

Lymington UTC is based at the town hospital
Lymington UTC is based at the town hospital

He said staff should all be “extremely proud” of the “exceptional care” they are giving people.

Inspectors spoke to patients who said their experience of the centre was “exceptional”.

They also found the time within which people were treated was “exceptional” with 95% of people being initially screened within 15 minutes of arrival; 99% of people being seen and treated within two hours, and 99% of people being discharged from the service within four hours for the past 12 months.

The centre is run by the PHL Group, which said it was “incredibly proud” at the rating, adding it was “a testament to the dedication, expertise and unwavering commitment of the entire UTC team, who work tirelessly to provide exceptional care to the local community”.

Lymington Urgent Treatment Centre has been given an ‘outstanding’ rating
Lymington Urgent Treatment Centre has been given an ‘outstanding’ rating

Ross Brand, PHL Group CEO said: "We are absolutely thrilled to receive an ‘outstanding’ rating from the CQC. This recognition is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our entire team, who consistently go above and beyond to provide exceptional care to our patients.

“It also highlights the strength of our partnerships with the Lymington Hospital Friends charity, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospital Southampton, whose collaboration has been instrumental in achieving this success.”

He said support from the Hospital Friends plays a “vital role” in the success of the UTC. In recent years, the charity has raised funds for additional equipment for the unit.

Mike Hodges, trustee and joint chair of the Friends, said: “We are delighted that our fundraising for new diagnostic and monitoring equipment has helped the wonderful UTC team to achieve an ‘outstanding’ rating from the CQC.”

Wendy Rees, director of operations for Southampton and South West Hampshire, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, praised the centre: “This rating is a milestone for the UTC and PHL Group. We look forward to continuing to uphold these high standards and building on this success in the future.”

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