Blogger Daisy Harris-Reid, known as Mum About Town on Instagram, has published her first book, A Separation Survival Guide
A HAMPSHIRE mum has published a separation guide after going through her own divorce three years ago.
Blogger Daisy Harris-Reid, known as Mum About Town on Instagram, said she wanted to create the sort of book that could have helped her when she split from her husband and became a single parent to son Hugo.
For Daisy (33) the split after 11 years together was “incredibly painful”, but she found great strength from her blog, which has now grown to over 14,500 followers.
Her new book called The Separation Survival Guide – How to Press the Reset Button is based on her own experiences at the time.
Daisy said: “The book is a mix of practical advice and a guide to the emotions I went through. It’s the book I wish I had had to help me through at the time.”
Working as a drama teacher four days a week, Daisy started her blog as a way to make new friends and rediscover herself at the time of her separation.
What started as a guide to places for Hampshire parents to visit also became a tool for empowering other women, especially single parents.
The book is split into the stages that Daisy went through, charting the emotional up and downs of her journey.
It also tackles practical issues like dating after separation and successful co-parenting.
Designed as a manual for users, the book also features sections that readers can fill in themselves to chart their own journey.
Both Daisy’s parents are authors so, as her blog grew, she found that writing down her experiences of separation was both therapeutic and natural.
She said: “It’s a difficult journey with lots of up and downs, but the support I have received from the online community has been amazing – I have made some very close friends.”
Mum About Town’s Separation Survival Guide is available for £7.99 on Amazon.