Read Easy charity coming to New Milton library next month
AN award-winning charity that helps adults learn to read is coming to New Milton next month.
The team from Read Easy Southampton and Isle of Wight will be in the town’s library from 9.30am to 1.15pm on Thursday 8th February.
The charity team provides one-to-one coaching for adults who struggle to read and now offers reading skills support sessions in Lymington and New Milton.
Team leader Nick Mabey said: “Adults who cannot read miss out on many opportunities and face an enormous struggle throughout their life.
“Read Easy coaches are paired with an individual needing support and meet with them twice a week, for 30 minutes, in an approved local venue.
“There are no timescales or pressure for those learning to read, just a friendly and supportive coach who will guide them at their own pace.”
Coaches receive free online training and have help and support from a local coordinator throughout the learning process.
For more information about Read Easy, visit or email