A pedestrian has been left fighting for her life after being struck by a car on the A326 Hythe bypass.
Fees at five district council-owned leisure centres are to be hiked from next year despite concerns over the impact to users.
A man faces crown court sentencing after a police raid uncovered around 200 cannabis plants at a Blackfield home.
A man who threatened to “batter” a woman he was attempting to rob – but then later messaged her to apologise – has been jailed.
A campaigner who helped raise over £40,000 to safeguard the future of the Hythe ferry has been revealed as the new owner of the historic pier.
A Waterside group has been shortlisted for a national award which recognises those that make a difference in their local communities.
The founder of a New Forest-based talent agency has been nominated for an award which recognises trailblazing women of the future.
Another £375,000 is needed to complete New Forest District Council’s waste and services depot amid a hike in costs.
Surveys to assess the extent of the damage to a pontoon which Hythe ferry operates from are continuing.
Waterside residents are fed up of “incessant” road works, councillors have claimed, as emergency gas repairs are the latest issue to blight the area.
A burglar who “terrorised” a family at knifepoint in their own home has been jailed for over seven years.
A motorist was badly hurt in a smash between a van and a car which shut off a stretch of the A326 near Dibden Purlieu in both directions.
A royal visitor made a special trip to the Forest, opening a restored railway and learning about award-winning developments in the national park.
The operator of Hythe ferry – which has been out of action since August – says it remains “committed” to resuming the service.