The leader of NFDC has called for patience on the progress of the Solent Freeport, insisting “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.
A cyclist was badly hurt in a hit-and-run in Blackfield.
Scaled-back plans to build a 25-metre telecoms tower near a Fawley playing field are set to go ahead.
Two New Forest tips threatened with closure will remain open after the county council’s cabinet rejected plans to close 12 sites across Hampshire.
Oil giant ExxonMobil has withdrawn its controversial plan for an underground carbon capture pipeline through the New Forest.
Residents are being notified that Fawley Refinery will be carrying out its annual alarm tests on Tuesday 1st October.
An online petition has been launched against Exxon’s proposal to run a carbon dioxide capture pipeline through the Forest.
The Solent Freeport is expected to create fewer jobs and less money for the area than first thought, a report has revealed.
Plans to build 19 new affordable homes near Fawley have been thrown out after the developer said it was no longer viable.
Oil giant ExxonMobil prefers the route cutting across the Forest for its pipeline rather than those across the Isle of Wight, a councillor claims.
Police have released a CCTV picture after a man and a woman were punched and kicked outside a Fawley pub.
No preferred route for a 20-mile underground carbon capture pipeline has been identified by New Forest District Council due to “limited” information.
New Forest District Council looks set to make a U-turn on permission for 19 affordable homes near Fawley.
Controversial plans to build new homes off a cul de sac in Holbury have been given the green light.