Police seized an incorrectly assembled electric motorcycle being illegally ridden on a Fordingbridge street by a youngster.
Plans for 74 new homes in Fordingbridge have been submitted to New Forest District Council.
Two holiday parks in the New Forest have won regional tourism awards from leisure firm Hoseasons.
Townsfolk in Fordingbridge are being urged to spread some Christmas cheer this year by donating to the Salvation Army’s toy appeal.
An exciting line up of festive fun is on offer in Christchurch this weekend with the big Christmas Lights Switch happening on Saturday.
A holiday cottage in the Forest has earned a major national award for giving its guests “the warmest of welcomes”.
An elderly woman who died after an incident reportedly involving animals on the New Forest suffered crush injuries, an inquest has heard.
Changes to a major housing scheme have been agreed by the council after costs soared following the discovery of a 2,000-year-old Roman village.
A 70-bed care home planned in the Forest has raised concerns from the district council over its size.
A developer which came across a 2,000-year-old Roman village during construction in the Forest is set to be allowed to change its plans.
Residents were told to keep their windows and doors closed as fire crews battled a large blaze at a New Forest landfill site.
Two shoplifters have been banned from the Fordingbridge store from which they stole £150 of steak and told to write apology letters.
Police have released CCTV pictures of two women they want to find after £150 of meat was stolen from a Fordingbridge shop.
A Forest teen was one of two arrested in connection with a reported assault in Bournemouth that hospitalised another man.