A probe was launched after an elderly woman died following a blaze that broke out at a Milford home.
Hurst Spit will be left to the elements and Milford’s Dane Stream moved under proposals to manage erosion and flooding over the next century.
Controversial plans to charge for on-street parking at two coastal spots are back on the table after the county council revealed its new proposals.
Two holiday parks in the New Forest have won regional tourism awards from leisure firm Hoseasons.
Two of the area’s most iconic sites have been added to a nationwide list of at-risk historic spots.
Villagers are being asked to splash out and help raise £100,000 to buy an area of land for the community.
A cake maker extraordinaire has whipped contestants from across the globe to take silver at a major international competition.
Strategies to manage the effects of climate change between Hurst Spit and Lymington are set to be revealed in a series of public drop-in sessions.
Thousands of people throughout the New Forest and Christchurch paused to pay their respects to the wartime fallen on Remembrance Sunday.
An area of grassland near a community meadow in Milford is set to go up for sale almost a decade after it was left to a church group.
The landlord of a Milford pub has said he has been forced to shut by rising energy costs and people being unable to afford to dine out.
A plan to hold informal “get togethers” of all Milford Parish Council members to discuss “sensitive” issues was discussed during a recent meeting.
Visitors can enjoy historical re-enactments, family activities and heritage trails for free at Hurst Castle.
Little Lexi Lewis was so excited about donating her hair to charity that she is growing it again so she can donate once more.