Letter: I’ve had enough of the council’s ‘litter’
Published: 03:00, 15 June 2024
Over the last year or so there has been a plethora of ‘temporary’ traffic signs around Milford and beyond.
We have ‘Danger Frost’ signs – at least six on exit roads. I had not thought we had a severe frost issue.
At the end of Victoria Road we have a sign put there in February announcing roadworks for two days. It’s still there and happily rusting away.
There are many more knocked over or hidden by grass. Does no one think to pick them up after use? For a cash strapped council, they must have some value!
Now we have on the road to New Milton a rash of plastic bollards. Presumably they will be there this time next year.
Does this constitute flytipping by the council or just simply littering?
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