Letter: Appalled by plans to reintroduce New Forest cicada
I was appalled to read of the plans to reintroduce the New Forest cicada, Cicadetta montana, into the New Forest.
It is far from certain that the New Forest population is extinct as it has a very erratic and apparently rather unpredictable life cycle. Most adults are unable to hear its very high pitched call and few would recognise either one of the ‘turrets’ or the distinctive egg laying signs.
There are many areas that have not been searched including places adjacent to the Forest such as Royden Woods.
The last known site is much as it was when being studied by Jim Grant many years ago and where I was shown several cicadas. If it has become extinct it will be for a very good reason and there is no point re-introducing it.
To think that £28,000 is being spent on this project makes it even more crazy.
Alison Bolton