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From Our Files: No choking matter...vicar backs thief...smelly streets problem


THREE 16-year-old boys who were found in a semi-conscious state through drink in a shelter at Grove Gardens Lymington could have drowned in their own vomit, according to magistrates at Lymington juvenile court.

Police found them after they had been celebrating getting new jobs by drinking in three pubs in the town. The youths all admitted three offences of consuming intoxicating liquor underage, one of buying liquor underage and one of being found drunk in a public place.

They were each fined £4 for each offence. Chairman of the bench told them: “You should be very grateful to the police because it is perfectly possible to drown in your own vomit.”

Insp. D. Smith said it was an experience the three boys “would never forget”. The day after they were found, their parents made them go to the shelter and scrub it clean, he added.

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THE development committee of the NFDC affirmed their intention that the eastern limit of high-rise buildings on Milford sea front would be adhered to.

An application by Colten Development Ltd to erect 24 flats in a four-storey block had been refused because of high density and the adverse effect of such buildings on the character of the village approach.

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THE vicar of Boldre, the Rev. John Hayter, gave evidence in Lymington court on behalf of a woman accused of shoplifting. He said that she was a “totally honest woman”.

The woman had pleaded not guilty to stealing shoe polish and baking soda worth 25p from Waitrose. She had been seen “quite openly” putting the goods into her coat pocket by a store detective.

She was found guilty, but magistrates said “because of your character” they were not imposing a penalty on her.


From Our Files, 25 year ago: ACCUSATIONS of cheating have been thrown at Everton club over the annual pumpkin competition between it and Milford club. There are claims that growers in Everton fed their pumpkins with a daily dose of viagra tablets dissolved in water. The ploy seemed promising when the gourds suddenly grew vertically. But things suddenly seemed to be going amiss when the pumpkins adopted the normal horizontal position, and the growth rate dropped dramatically. Judging by the smug, coy grins on the Everton ladies' faces on Sunday, it would appear many of the viagra tablets failed to reach their intended destination.
From Our Files, 25 year ago: ACCUSATIONS of cheating have been thrown at Everton club over the annual pumpkin competition between it and Milford club. There are claims that growers in Everton fed their pumpkins with a daily dose of viagra tablets dissolved in water. The ploy seemed promising when the gourds suddenly grew vertically. But things suddenly seemed to be going amiss when the pumpkins adopted the normal horizontal position, and the growth rate dropped dramatically. Judging by the smug, coy grins on the Everton ladies' faces on Sunday, it would appear many of the viagra tablets failed to reach their intended destination.

ACCUSATIONS of cheating have been thrown at Everton club over the annual pumpkin competition between it and Milford club.

There are claims that growers in Everton fed their pumpkins with a daily dose of viagra tablets dissolved in water. The ploy seemed promising when the gourds suddenly grew vertically.

But things suddenly seemed to be going amiss when the pumpkins adopted the normal horizontal position, and the growth rate dropped dramatically. Judging by the smug, coy grins on the Everton ladies' faces on Sunday, it would appear many of the viagra tablets failed to reach their intended destination.

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A CALL for a joint task force to be set up by New Forest District and Hampshire councils to deal with the problems of Totton has been made by councillor John Coles who declared: “It’s getting to be a real disaster area.”

His comments were made at the NFDC planning and transportation committee after members had received a report on the number of hot food takeaways in Rumbridge Street which Cllr Coles described as the “street of a thousand smells”.

One problem, he said, was that when a retail shop closed down it could be turned into a takeaway, which was what was happening.

A scoping project was agreed on to see how retail businesses could be encouraged to the street.

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LOCAL beaches have been given a clean bill of health recently by the Environment Agency. With the help of Southern Water’s multi-million-pound coastal improvement programme Calshot, Christchurch Bay, Highcliffe, Lepe and Milford-on-Sea beaches were all granted pass marks on strict European water quality tests.

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EACH morning and afternoon a ‘hopper style’ single decker Hants and Dorset bus travels between Buckler’s Hard and Beaulieu delivering and collecting just four young Beaulieu Infant School pupils.

Amongst the four is four-year-old Robyn Wiggins but even though the bus is empty her eight-year-old sister is not allowed on board. Instead, she has been ordered by the county council to walk to and from the same school a distance of almost three miles each way.

“I’m so cross about it, it seems so senseless,” her mother Eileen told the A&T. Robyn’s sister Lucy had her bus pass taken off when she reached eight which was when the council said she no longer qualified for it.

After Eileen complained a council official came down and drove the route taken by Lucy and told her family she still has to walk it.

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