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Oh What a Lovely War! comes to Mast Mayflower Studios, Southampton

THE epic anti-war musical Oh What a Lovely War! will be onstage at Southampton’s Mast Mayflower Studios.

The show, by Blackeyed Theatre, will visit the Southampton venue as part of a UK-wide 60th anniversary tour of Joan Littlewood’s celebrated work.

A cornerstone of modern musical theatre and one of the greatest stage satires, Oh What a Lovely War! was conceived and developed by Joan Littlewood and her theatre workshop in 1963.

Oh What a Lovely War at Mast Mayflower Studio
Oh What a Lovely War at Mast Mayflower Studio

Hailed as a classic of modern theatre, the show features a fusion of timeless songs – including Pack Up Your Troubles and It’s a Long Way to Tipperary, juxtaposed with razor-sharp satire and high jinks, offering a satirical account of the First World War as seen through the eyes of the common soldier.

Wildly satirical, visually stunning and deeply moving, the show is a hilarious, heartbreaking snapshot of life for those caught in the crossfire of conflict, a unanimous voice from the trenches and a timely warning from the theatre of war itself.

As relevant today as when it was written, Oh What a Lovely War! holds a mirror up to the world. The production stars Christopher Arkeston, Tom Crabtree, Harry Curley, Alice E Mayer, Chioma Uma and Euan Wilson.

The show is directed by Nicky Allpress with musical direction by Ellie Verkerk.

Oh What a Lovely War at Mast Mayflower Studio
Oh What a Lovely War at Mast Mayflower Studio

Director Nicky Allpress said: “One of the most exciting things about Oh What a Lovely War! is how universal, timeless, and ever relevant it is, and testament to the brilliance of the work is how it can bear endless reinterpretation. Our concept will explore the idea of war as a circus, with an incredibly talented company of actor-musicians bringing Joan Littlewood's ground-breaking classic to life with music, comedy, and stories.”

Tickets are £15 to £25. For more information and bookings visit: www.mayflowerstudios.org.uk or call the box office on 023 8071 1811.

The show runs from Monday 29th to Wednesday 31st January.

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