A new Conservative member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council has been voted in after a by-election.
A decision on plans to refurbish a dilapidated listed farmhouse in Fordingbridge and create new homes from outbuildings has been deferred.
An inquiry will be held following New Forest District Council’s approval of a controversial planning application for over 400 new homes.
A mother taking her children to school was forced to step around pools of blood after a deer’s severed head was left at a New Forest church.
Pupils at a Forest school for youngsters with learning disabilities love to learn thanks to nurturing staff, Ofsted inspectors ruled.
Investment of £6.7m has been made by Solent Freeport to support projects including highway improvements and biodiversity at Marchwood port.
Dates of hearings to scrutinise a plan for future quarry sites across the New Forest have been set.
Police are appealing for witnesses after bags of asbestos were dumped in two New Forest locations.
A man who assaulted his partner the morning after their relationship ended has appeared in court.
The winners of an annual window decorating competition in Ringwood during the festive season have been announced.
A car caught fire while its owner was refuelling at a petrol station in Ringwood.
A New Forest MP has been thanked for his “exemplary” work as he steps down as the chairman of Parliament’s intelligence and security committee.
There are concerns farmland will be lost to housing as New Forest District Council hunts for sites of future development.
Plans for fast-track devolution in Hampshire have moved a step closer after the county council voted in favour of the scheme.
Icy conditions could bring disruption to parts of the New Forest and Christchurch this morning (Thursday).
The leader of BCP Council has slammed the government’s looming deadline for opting into the fast-track devolution process as “unrealistic”.
A town council has been forced to review its neighbourhood plan after a controversial 443-home development which went against it was approved.
Hampshire County Council looks set to apply to be part of the government’s fast-track devolution process which will see May elections postponed.
Flooding is affecting parts of the New Forest and Christchurch following heavy rain at the weekend.
A New Forest resident who has celebrated her 103rd birthday has put her longevity down to a glass of wine per day.