A Calmore caravan park has been given a deadline to remove a mountain of PPE kits found on its land.
The number of fire service staff reaching higher pay bands has leapt in the course of a year.
A public consultation is to be launched on how Hampshire County Council can slash costs amid a predicted £132m budget shortfall.
County councillors are now set to be held to account for their remarks online, following the furore caused by New Forest representative Alexis McEvoy.
Hampshire’s police and crime commissioner has been cleared of breaking a code of conduct by lending support to Tory election candidates.
A total of 1,175 claims have been submitted to the county council this year regarding damages to vehicles and accidents due to potholes.
A GUEST house in Highcliffe is set to be demolished and replaced with nine flats.
THE government has been urged by objectors to call-in plans to expand the runway at Southampton Airport.
THE end of an inquiry into a Hampshire NHS trust has been pushed back so more people can give evidence.
AFTER 19 hours of deliberations, plans to expand the runway at Southampton Airport were given the green light.
HAMPSHIRE residents have been urged to get tested as free Covid tests will be available across the county from this week.