“Long grass obscured the pavement.”
“I have had younger drivers try to intimidate me by driving very close, almost hitting me.”
Looking back at the headlines in the A&T 25, 50 and 75 years ago.
“Foxlease is there for everyone, not just Guiding folk.”
Government seems to be “tone deaf” over the issue.
“If people can’t respect the animals there will come a time when there will be no animals turned out there to enjoy.”
“They are one of the basic reasons why so many people find themselves in financial difficulty”
“Lymington High Street is a disgrace and dangerous to cyclists”
Making the headlines in the A&T 25, 50 and 75 years ago
Girlguide centre closing a “bolt out of the blue”
“Last weekend was definitely a ‘Marmite’ time in the UK where the coronation celebrations were concerned.”
“It is not fair that some pensioners are treated like second-class citizens”
Parking meters in such times are, if anything, the exact opposite to what should be done.
"Worryingly, we had spent approximately £50m policing the previous demonstrations, never mind the insurance claims for damage."